Give Credit Where Credit is Due. Who Inspires You? Rex Morgan Award for Lifetime Leadership

Federico Pena was awarded the Rex Morgan Award in 2018 for Lifetime Leadership. The Award recognizes lifetime contribution to arts and culture. From right to left - Dan Hopkins, Federico Pena and Representatives from Lone Tree Arts Center. Photo by Latin Life Denver Media

The Deadline to Submit Nominations for the Rex Morgan Awards is Friday, March 11, 2022! See form below.

The SCFD Block Party and Awards return on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, from 5–8 pm. Nominations are invited for the Rex Morgan Awards. These awards are given to individuals and organizations that embody the pioneering spirit of Rex Morgan – the leader, advocate, and visionary who made SCFD a reality.

The Rex Morgan Award for Lifetime Leadership recognizes an individual who exemplifies leadership, vision, and philosophy of cooperation, all qualities that distinguished Rex Morgan as a pioneer in the community. This recipient of this award is a community beacon whose dedication has helped create the vibrant cultural landscape the Denver metro area has become known for.

Nominees for this award should meet the following criteria:A lifetime champion for the advancement of arts, culture, and science in the Denver metro region through vision, leadership, or philanthropy. Has demonstrated a positive impact on the cultural sector of the Denver metro region.A history of collaboration and engagement across diverse communities. 

Rex Morgan Award for Civic Engagement and VolunteerismThe recipient of the Rex Morgan Award for Civic Engagement and Volunteerism demonstrates a passion for reaching into the lives of those who benefit from the SCFD most: the public. Nominees for this award should meet the following criteria:Significant contributions to arts, culture, and science in the Denver metro region through work as a volunteer, board member or advocate. Dedication to creating a vibrant cultural sector in the Denver metro region for the good of the public.Demonstrated engagement with community constituents to deepen public engagement in arts, culture, and science.

Rex Morgan Award for Innovative Partnership and Regional CooperationThe Rex Morgan Award for Innovative Partnership and Regional Cooperation recognizes an organization(s) that has broken down boundaries to form bonds throughout the Denver metro region, creating previously-unidentified links, thus furthering Rex Morgan’s vision of a region that encourages fruitful and groundbreaking collaboration to the benefit of all. Nominees for this award should meet the following criteria: Proven success in innovative and inventive thinking that has expanded ideas of how arts, culture, and science may work together.An unwavering spirit of collaboration demonstrated through partnerships with organizations and individuals of all backgrounds.Creative utilization of collaboration to create opportunities for the public to experience arts, culture, and science.
SCFD Block Party and AwardsJune 22, 2022 – 5:00 pm
All nominations must be submitted by Friday, March 11, 2022.

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