Denver Center for the Perfomings arts

THE CHER SHOW  Is A Show Stopper! Thru May 5th Only, Denver’s Buell Theatre

By Joe Contreras, Latin Life Denver Media, Informational text and bio by Denver Center for The Performing Arts/Applause Magazine. Photos by MeredithMashburn Photography It’s not…

‘EMMA’ The Total Package, But Does She Deliver? At DCPA Thru May 5, 2024, LLD Review

You are smart, funny, sophisticated, young, attractive, ambitious, privileged, rich and single. You are the whole package. So, what are you going to do with all that going for you?
Oh wait, there are a couple of obstacles. You are……

“MJ-The Musical”, Has Really Got ‘Somethin Started’ In Denver, Thru April 28, LLD Review

“It is hard if not impossible to fill the shoes of the iconic “king of pop’ Michael Jackson. So how successfully could a play about his career from childhood notoriety to his rise to legendary superstardom be pulled off with any degree convincing reality?

Hairspray, Zany Fun For Everyone, Rain or Shine, Thru March 10th at DCPA’s Buell Theatre

“Message In A Bottle” Totally Rocks Refugee Crisis, at the DCPA Thru Feb. 25th, LLD Review

Message In A Bottle is an imagined story about one displaced family in a village that is suddenly under siege, with three parted siblings stepping out on individual adventures. They go through the perilous hazards of travelling long distances, through rain soaked jungles and hostile areas that strip them of their possessions. There are bribes to be paid, detention and intimidation to be suffered. Each must find their own way to freedom. Freedom from political and social persecution that has driven them out of their once peaceful homeland.

‘Cebollas’, To Die For, At DCPA Thru March 17th, LLD Review

The laughs just keep rollin in, in this instantly popular, far fetched world premiere production about three Latina sisters who embark on a road trip from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Denver, Colorado with a dead body in the backseat who just happens to be a married man who was having an affair with one of the now pregnant sisters.