Who Remembers The 8th Annual Cesar Chavez Dinner & Dance From March 2015?

Happy Cesar Chavez Day! What a great time we all had back on March 29th of 2015 for the 8th annual Cesar Chavez Awards Dinner Dance at the Denver Police Protective Association Event Center. Maybe you were there or know someone who was. Reach out to them and say Hi… A few are no longer with us but we remember and commemorate them as well. See Photo Gallery.

Cesar Chavez March 2015 (229)Cesar Chavez Day is a U.S. federal commemorative holiday, proclaimed by President Barack Obama in 2014. The holiday celebrates the birth and legacy of the civil rights and labor movement activist Cesar Chavez on March 31 every year.

Elizabeth Gonzales received the first ever Tim Flores Scholarship. Julie Speer won The Fred Ross Award. Representative Crisanta Duran got The 2015 People’s Award and Ramona Martinez won the 2015 Cesar Chavez Award. Chicano Heat had the crowd on it’s feet for the rest of the night with their New Mexican brand of musica…Latin Life Denver  was proud to be a media sponsor.

Photos by Joe Contreras, Latin Life Denver Event Photography

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