
Prospanicas Scholarships With Awards Up To $5,000 Now Available

Are you determined to make a significant impact and drive positive change within the Hispanic community? Prospanica is calling on visionary students like you to step forward and apply for our scholarships. We’re looking for future leaders ready to embrace challenges and shape an inspiring tomorrow. Could this be your calling? If you’re nodding yes, it’s time to take action for both your future and the betterment of our community by applying for a Prospanica scholarship.

‘CRYSTAL’, The Only Cirque du Soleil On Ice! At Ball Arena, Two Days Only, Thru March 16th

Crystal is about a young girl name Crystal. One day, feeling misunderstood and out of sync with the world, she ventures out on a frozen pond and falls through the ice. In this underwater world of her own imagination, she has a vision: she sees a reflection of herself – her alter ego – that guides her, showing her a distorted version of her life.

Hairspray, Zany Fun For Everyone, Rain or Shine, Thru March 10th at DCPA’s Buell Theatre

More Than 500 Attend Pueblo Latino Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Dance, Awards Ceremony

RUBICON, Move Over James Bond, “Girls Are Players Too”, Thru March 10th, LLD Review

“Message In A Bottle” Totally Rocks Refugee Crisis, at the DCPA Thru Feb. 25th, LLD Review

Message In A Bottle is an imagined story about one displaced family in a village that is suddenly under siege, with three parted siblings stepping out on individual adventures. They go through the perilous hazards of travelling long distances, through rain soaked jungles and hostile areas that strip them of their possessions. There are bribes to be paid, detention and intimidation to be suffered. Each must find their own way to freedom. Freedom from political and social persecution that has driven them out of their once peaceful homeland.

‘Cebollas’, To Die For, At DCPA Thru March 17th, LLD Review

The laughs just keep rollin in, in this instantly popular, far fetched world premiere production about three Latina sisters who embark on a road trip from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Denver, Colorado with a dead body in the backseat who just happens to be a married man who was having an affair with one of the now pregnant sisters.

Spaced Out! ‘The Infinite, Space Explores’, Now at Aurora’s Stanley Marketplace thru May 5th

‘Lindita’s Kitchen’ Now On

By Latin Life Denver Media She’s here, she’s there, she’s everywhere! Now Lindita Torres Winters is on with weekly installments of her cooking show,…

“What’s The Buzz”, Jesus Christ Superstar, In Denver Thru Jan. 28th Only